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Jared Moskowitz Satirically Mocks GOP for Gas Stove Hearing

Jun 05, 2023

House Democrats Shontel Brown (D-OH) and Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) tore into a GOP-called hearing into the Biden administration proposing higher efficiencies standards for appliances on Wednesday. Both Democrats used their speaking time to rip the hearing as a waste of time, with Moskowitz offering remarks closer to comedic satire than a political speech.

"But I should be excited because if my colleagues are interested in an appliance that is causing harm to children's lives, perhaps they will get the courage to have a hearing about banning assault weapons, which are actually killing people every single day," Brown said concluding her remarks.

"We have much better things to focus our time on. And with that, I yield back," she concluded as the chair then recognized Moskowitz.

"I appreciate the waiver on onto the committee. And first, let me say from a policy perspective, I think my colleagues across the aisle are correct," Moskowitz began, noting he does not sit on the Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs.

"I don't think we should ban gas stoves and I don't think banning gas stoves is the least impactful way to address the gas, nitrogen or carbon monoxide or formaldehyde that's coming out. It's ventilation. Ventilation is the way to address that. And so I’m here to say, Mr. Chairman, that I agree with you that we should not be banning gas stoves," he continued, before ripping into the hearing itself:

And the good news is that this proposed rule doesn't ban gas stoves. And I get it. I get that every morning. You know, as you’re getting your coffee, you know, and it's warm and you’re in the kitchen and you stare into the knobs of your beautiful stainless steel beauty, I got it. I get the bravado. You can, ‘We can pry your gas stove from your cold, dead hands’ or ‘Give me my gas stove or give me death.’

You know, I have a six-burner double oven range that sits on legs. I mean, I miss her right now as we’re talking about it. And so I think because it's a two-party system, I think when my colleagues across the aisle. The other party show leadership, the leadership of our times that is desperately needed. Democrats like myself should commend them. And I want to apologize on behalf of the Democratic Party that we have decided to put kids, kids’ safety in their neighborhoods from getting gunned down in movie theaters or grocery stores or school churches or synagogues.

We, as Democrats, have clearly lost our way that we are not focused on appliances. And so we’re finally seeing our friends across the aisle stand up for parents all across the country as they tuck their kid in at night as they dressed them for school in the morning, as they are worried that they may not come home.

My friends across the aisle are telling those parents you can breathe a sigh of relief that the Grand Appliance Party is going to make sure your gas stove goes nowhere. You might own a small business and you are worried about how you’re going to pay your employees if we default. But good news for you today is that if you have to shut your business because the country defaults, your gas stove will still be there.

"And so, you know, I look forward to the legislation of our time, the Appliance Bill of Rights that might come in front of this committee and joining in this fight together as we show Americans that Congress can still do big things, that we have not lost our way, and that when the American people need leadership from their elected leaders, we are going to deliver for them and their gas stoves," Moskowitz concluded.

Watch the full clip above via C-SPAN.

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Alex Griffing is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Send tips via email: [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter: @alexgriffing

Shontel Brown Jared Moskowitz